The Genus Suillus
The Genus Suillus belongs to order Boletales, or what is called in plain English Bolete. The mushrooms in this genus have several distinct characteristics: love for conifers, especially pine family slimy cuticle on the cap remnants of partial veil leaves a ring on the stem or sometime hangs from the cap margin glandular dots on the stem large pore openings, angular and often arranged radially Not all of the species posses all of the above characteristics. For example, Suillus spraguei (Painted Bolete) does not have slimy cap. On some of them glandular dots are hardly visible or not visible at all. Generally they are smallish or medium mushrooms and do not get to be huge as some of the Boletes. In the Fall they do come in flushes, sometimes really huge. In my area two species are by far the most common: Suillus granulatus (Granular-Dotted Bolete) Suillus americanus (White Pine Bolete or Chicken Fat Mushroom) The majority of species in the Genus are edible (includi...