July 30th, 2017

For the last 10 days I am pounding my trails looking primarily for chanterelles. There is no doubt that this mushroom is one of the most popular on the whole planet. It is wide spread, relatively common and near the top of list of edibles.  It certainly ranks in the top three of my list.

It is considered summer mushroom and fruits in the period when not many other mushrooms are around, before the bolete season starts. Although it is relatively easy to identify there is apparently every year some poisoning due to picking jack-o-lantern mushroom as chanterelle.

Despite frequent rains and relatively pleasant weather the chanterelles did not show up in any great numbers. I did not find any big patches yet. Only some small clusters of 3-4 mushrooms.

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According to field guides and other sources chanterelle is supposed to be quite bug resistant. Unfortunately in my experience that is quite the opposite. My finds do look good from the top, but when you cut them from the bottom they frequently look like this:

Sometime it is enough to feel the stalk, find it spongy  and know that mushroom is infested.

In this period some really colorful and beautiful corals showed up. Some of them are edible (golden one for sure) but it is tedious to collect enough for a meal. The other issue with corals is cleaning. There is dirt and plant debris always stuck between the branches.

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The dog stinkhorn is not something that I encounter regularly.

Ornate stalk bolete is starting to show in some numbers. Quite good edible, usually bug resistant.

The bitter bolete is still around in various shapes and forms. The size of some of them is very impressive.

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The oyster mushrooms are almost totally absent, which is very unusual for this point in the season.





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