Morels 1, 2017

On the 29th of April, I finally managed to find some morels.  As I mentioned previously, I am certainly not great morel expert. Every year I have a hard time to find enough for several meals. Very rarely is there a surplus to dry or preserve in any other way.

Following tips in the literature and on the web doesn't really help. I am convinced that insufficient knowledge of trees is the main reason.

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From the pictures it is obvious that mushrooms are still too young to be picked.

Recent DNA analyses show that at least a dozen different morel species exist in North America. For me, dividing them into black and yellow is still fine.  As far as I can tell, these specimens are of the black variety. The differences between species of morel never made any impact on culinary results, as far as I can tell.

For some reason the false morel is a pretty rare find in my area. But when I do find them, they are quite impressive.

You can also come across the occasional cup mushroom.

The rest of the forest is progressing nicely. The first trilliums are out.

Fiddleheads are still not opening. I hope in a couple of days there will be some to cook.


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