Morels 1, 2017
On the 29th of April, I finally managed to find some morels. As I mentioned previously, I am certainly not great morel expert. Every year I have a hard time to find enough for several meals. Very rarely is there a surplus to dry or preserve in any other way. Following tips in the literature and on the web doesn't really help. I am convinced that insufficient knowledge of trees is the main reason. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="40" gal_title="Morels 1 2017"] From the pictures it is obvious that mushrooms are still too young to be picked. Recent DNA analyses show that at least a dozen different morel species exist in North America. For me, dividing them into black and yellow is still fine. As far as I can tell, these specimens are of the black variety. The differences between species of morel never made any impact on culinary results, as far as I can tell. For some reason the false morel is a pretty rare find in my area. But when I do find them, they are quite impr...