First Frost

After unusually worm weather all of a sudden the first frost showed up in Southern Ontario. There was even some snow in area surrounding Toronto and Hamilton. Practically we skipped period of cool nights and pleasant days.



I think this weather development surprised some of the late fall mushroom species, especially Late Fall Oyster (Panellus serotinos). There is a great number of small and starting mushrooms around, but almost no mature and fully developed ones. The time will tell if frost will prevent further growth of the budding mushrooms. The interesting fact is that freezing changes deep green color of this mushroom to yellow-tan tones.


I know from experience that freezing does not bother Oyster mushroom too much and I did eat them after thawing. There is no noticeable difference in taste or texture.


I also noticed several bunches of Brick Top mushroom solidly frozen. According to literature, this species is supposed to be less common than Sulfur Cap (posonous) or Hypoloma capnoides (edible). In my years of mushrooming I don't think I ever encountered any Sulfur Cap, and Hypoloma capnopides very rarely. I will follow up and see how that develops.


The polypora mushrooms seems to be doing quite well with this weather. Turkey Tail seems to be everywhere. There is some unusual specimens, not really known to me and as far as I can tell, not part of average field guide, but really beautiful.




At this time Tricholomas are still absent. I still think that Tricholoma myomyces and Tricholoma virgatum  - the usual ones - will show up. I will keep checking under conifers in their usual habitat.


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