August 31st, 2016

This year August was dominated by Goldstalk Bolete.  It was fairly easy to end up with loot like this:


There was also some Two-color Bolete and some Pale Boletes around, but very low in numbers.



After several years of almost complete absence, Bitter Bolete (Tylopilus rubobrunneus) showed up again. It is a shame that so nice and stately mushroom is not edible. I tasted several time but it is quite bitter.


The other "usual suspects"were missing too. Piffballs, Chanterelles, Black Trumpets, Orange Cap Bolete and King Bolete were complete no shows.

The real presence on the floor of the woods throughout whole August were Amanitas. I do not collect or consume any of them due to bad reputation of several members of this Genus. Several Amanita species are certainly deadly poisonous and present real life danger if consumed. On the other hand they have indisputable beauty and presence. Usually some specimens can be spotted from afar. This year I found several species completely new to me, and I think I even spotted several smallish American Cesar mushrooms. Amanitas are certainly very handsome and photogenic. Although some of them are quite big, long stalks and thin caps look very elegant.

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Generally speaking, August weather was very dry, extremely hot and humid.


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