August 25th, 2016

The high temperatures and humidity are back with vengeance. The only time to go on trails is early morning. Later during the day it feels like walking in sauna.

Suillus granulatus

I decided to try mixed woods and sure enough, I found great flush of Suillus granulatus (Granular-Dotted Bolete). They were scattered around, single or in groups. The genus Suillus  has many members, but in my area of South-Western Ontario this one is the most common. At least where I am looking. They are good dried. The best are buttons that still have firm and compact flash. Mature specimens are quite spongy and can absorb a lot of moisture. They are also full of bugs, especially at this time of the year


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Lactifluus hygrophoroides

In the nearby area with oaks and birches I found a small flash of Lactifluus hygrophoides (see my post on Lactarius Genus) . This is great edible and I am surprised that there is no common name for this mushroom. It certainly falls into the group "Orange Milky". Usually they release copious amounts of sticky latex, but this particular crop was quite dry, probably due to general drought in Ontario. There was a lot of damaged and broken mushrooms (maybe deer or squirrel).

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Altogether not a bad day.



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