August 22nd, 2016

The last weekend was generally repeat of the previous one. I was finding mainly Ornate-stalked Bolete and Oyster mushrooms. I had company and we did quite good.


The whole loot was cleaned, salted, cooked in vinegar and preserved in oil.


This is the end result. Perfect to add to sandwiches or as a pizza topping etc.



Today I was walking in oak woods and discovered quite a flash of Two-colored Boletes.  They were growing scattered and in groups under mature oaks in great numbers. My timing was perfect (see my thoughts on Mushrooming Window). A lot of mushrooms were still in button stage or very young, so the bug damage was minimal and I did not discard any significant number. This bolete is relatively easy to recognize and very good edible.

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Some people compare the taste and quality with King Bolete. Within one hour I collected quite a number in my basket:


The majority was dried and one part was left to be preserved in oil.


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