June 8th, 2016

Two days ago I visited several spots that over the years used to produce abundance of Reishi. In my area Reishi is found only in coniferous woods, more precisely on hemlock. I did find some of new growth, but it is a far cry from usual numbers. I can't be sure, but I strongly suspect it is a consequence of over harvesting. The mature mushrooms from the last year growth are nowhere to be seen, but stumps of harvested ones are quite evident. I hope that next year situation will improve. I will keep visiting spots during the season.


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In deciduous woods the Umbrella Polyphora is still going strong:

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Right now the real explosion of Megacollybia rodmani is going on . Actually, following the latest development it seems that there is 2 forms of Megacollybia around, rodmani and murina. As far as I can differentiate, it seems that Megacollybia form murina is prevalent in my area. More of the grays in cap and no visible mycelium at the base of the stalk are the main characteristics of this form. Over all beautiful mushroom.

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