June 4th, 2016

The humidity is creeping in and temperature are quite high. The tree canopy is full.

The beginning of June comes and so are the Umbrella Polyphoras, like a clockwork.  This early in the season I don't bother to pick anything (maybe some oysters). I guess the bugs don't have enough to feed around so they invade even the youngest and best looking specimens. DSCN3580

Very young specimen

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The other mushroom showing in the beginning of June is Megacollybia rodmani (Platterful Mushroom). It is also known as "Tricholomopsis platyphylla" and "Megacollybia platyphylla". There is some confusion lately and it seems Eastern NA has 2 different species. The brownish cap and more elongated stem is Megacollybia rodmani and grayish cap with more stout stem is Megacollybia murina. Truly beautiful, mid size mushroom with firm and white flash. Lasts about one month in great numbers, and is fairly common find in deciduous woods. Loves old logs and tree stumps. It is edible according to some sources, but still not on my list. Apparently it is quite bitter and does not cause any gastric upsets. I do plan to try it in near future. Great for photographs.

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The Scaly Ink Cap (Coprinus quadrifidus) is another early species. Grows only on dead wood and comes in great clusters. It is not on my edible list. There is quite a bit of controversial info on the web about this mushroom. Considering that it belongs to inky caps, it is not worth the effort. The pictures I took illustrate what becomes of the fruit bodies within 2 days.

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