End of Mushrooming Spring

The Spring was   dry and nothing really spectacular happened in the world of wild mushrooms, especially not with edibles.  The weather was very unpredictable, with quite late frost nights and substantial temperature changes in short periods of time. Over all spring was quite dry.

The usual finds (Morels, Oysters, Reishi) were   low in numbers.  It is partly result of my inability to find Morels in any significant quantities. In the Reishi case it is very likely result of over harvesting. It was almost impossible to find any of last year specimens on the trees or stumps, while the traces of the harvested ones were visible everywhere.

[caption id="attachment_2001" align="alignnone" width="663"]DSCN3731 Young Reishi Mushroom[/caption]

The Umbrella Polypora was right on schedule and I found expected numbers around.

[caption id="attachment_2006" align="alignnone" width="663"]DSCN3742 Umbrella Polypora[/caption]

The Dryad's Saddle was everywhere, as every year, in all sizes and coloration.


The complete no shows were Crown Coral  and  Chicken of the Woods. It is kind of surprise. I expected mushrooms growing on wood would do better in the dry weather that usually affects more terrestrial ones.

The Deer Mushroom did show up, but in the absence of other mushrooms almost all of them were quite damaged by slugs and bugs.

[caption id="attachment_2004" align="alignnone" width="663"]DSCN3739 Deer Mushroom[/caption]

Platterfull Mushroom showed one third of usual numbers or even less.

[caption id="attachment_1984" align="alignnone" width="663"]DSC05367 Platterfull Mushroom[/caption]


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