Boston Marathon Week

After really unpleasant start of April and very busy work schedule, I spend a long weekend in Boston, supporting my daughter during Boston Marathon.


Finally on 21st of April I had a chance to do some hiking and snooping around. Bottom line, no signs of morels yet!

[caption id="attachment_1017" align="alignnone" width="3264"]DSCN3272 Skunk Cabbage[/caption]

Skunk Cabbage is going strong. Trout Lily is everywhere. It is excellent trail side nibble (I am referring to the underground bulb, not leafs!). The flowers are beautiful .


[caption id="attachment_1015" align="alignnone" width="2088"]DSCN3264c Trout Lily flower[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_1012" align="alignnone" width="1877"]DSCN3268c Trout Lily flower[/caption]


Mayapple is starting to grow (the whole plant is poisonous - wait for the fruit)

[caption id="attachment_1010" align="alignnone" width="3264"]DSCN3271 Mayapple[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignnone" width="3264"]DSCN3269 Mayapple[/caption]

The Trillium is showing shyly, but did not notice any flowers yet.


The gorgeous flowers of the small plants, taking advantage of sunshine before leaf canopy grows in and blocks it.



Harvested some stinging nettle, chicory and dandelion for my kitchen.DSCN3250[1]

More precisely, Dandelion can be found virtually anywhere, but Chicory is more prone to country road sides or field edges. At this stage they are both delicious as a cooked herb. My slight preference is still Chicory.

[caption id="attachment_1000" align="alignnone" width="3264"]DSCN3251[1] Young Dandelion[/caption] 

[caption id="attachment_1001" align="alignnone" width="3264"]DSCN3252[1] Young Chicory[/caption]Cleaned and ready to cook. I  leave some of the roots in the mix. Makes it a little harder to clean (roots need to be scrubbed), but taste is magnificent.DSCN3256[1]

Final product. Yum.DSCN3257[1]


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