March 19th, 2016

Last week weather reverted to more typical values for this time of the year. Overnight low dropped to minus values and daily highs went to single digits. This slowed down spring signs.

The dandelion and chicory started to show.


Both are excellent edible wild plants. I admit that this greens are somewhat acquired taste, but the young shoots are certainly worth the effort - delicious. They are part of traditional mixture of wild greens consumed around Mediterranean sea.

The skunk cabbage and ramps are progressing well, although somewhat slower than I expected.


As far as mushrooms are concerned, there are only traces of late fall crops.


This would be in the category of LBM (Little Brown Mushroom). I never bother with learning any specifics about that type of shrooms. They are just not worth the effort. A great number of species are always around, but none has any food or medicinal  value justifying close studies.


The above are puffballs after they released spore load; practically just the outer skin was left. These are actually edible when young.



  1. always LOVE seeing more shroom pictures!! thanks for sharing these. happy mushroaming to you my friend!! despite the smell, that skunk cabbage is just beauuutiful when bright yellow and young and just coming up, isn't it! :)


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