Poisonous Mushrooms
In my years of walking the trails and foraging I met all kinds of people. After disclosing that I am actually looking for mushrooms the most common reaction is fear and surprise. I would like to point out that this reaction is typical for North America. In Europe situation is quite different (especially Eastern Europe). Usual questions are: "Don't you know they can kill you?" "There are so many; how can you be sure which one is not poisonous?" Well, the way I see it I need to be sure only about two dozen of species, which does not sound so bad. Why? True, there is a thousands of species around, a great number not yet described and classified. In Ontario there is approximately a dozen dangerously poisonous mushrooms and dozen good edibles. You probably wander what do I mean by "dangerously poisonous". Majority of field guides published in North America lists a great number of species as "poisonous", probably a lot more than "inedible...